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ACE Programme
What is TKAT ACE?
At Debden, we strive to create an environment that allows students to BE the very best version of themselves and for us to provide the opportunities for them to BE their own future. The TKAT ACE (A Champion for Every Child) Programme is a pastoral programme that does just this, it gives children their own tutor, an adult who will work with them and their families to help overcome any financial/social/academic barriers they may face to become confident, successful, resilient and happy learners.
An ACE Tutor’s role is to provide support to the child and the family. They will form trusting relationships and be that pupil’s ‘go to’ person. It is founded in our strong belief that no child should be educationally disadvantaged because of their socioeconomic status. The TKAT ACE Programme supports our Pupil Premium children and families.
What does an ACE tutor do?
Our ACE Tutors meet with our Pupil Premium children on a 1:1 basis or in groups. ACE time is child-centred time, which is tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual child. Together, each child and their ACE Tutor can identify areas of focus and from this will create an action plan. This could include:
Identifying barriers to learning and finding strategies to support the child and their family with improving learning outcomes
Work on improving attendance and punctuality
Supporting the children with their friendships, emotions, self esteem or ambitions
Celebrating successes, individuality, resilience
Working with families
They may be able to find support with other agencies and also offer extra opportunities in supporting the child with an ambition or aspiration they may have. ACE Tutors will try and help with any barriers that might get in the way of your child becoming the best they can be.
ACE Tutors will listen, support and seek additional help if needed. Our ACE Tutors will also contact parents/carers to talk about their child, offer support and guidance, or just be a person to chat to.
Who are our ACE Tutors?
ACE Lead- Miss R Buisson robyn.buisson@debden-kat.org
ACE Tutor- Mrs L Green lisa.green@debden-tkat.org
ACE Tutor- Mrs J Kerswell jane.kerswell@debden-tkat.org
ACE Tutor- Mr P Doyle-Love patrick.doyle-love@debden-tkat.org
ACE Tutor- Miss A Head alyssa.head@debden-tkat.org