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Pupil Premium
The aim of the Pupil Premium Strategy at DPHS is to provide opportunities for all our students to engage in their learning and acquire the skills and knowledge they need for future success with the explicit focus to remove the gap in attainment between disadvantaged students and other students. We intend to do this by ensuring that they make exceptional progress throughout the school. It is our wish to support and nurture those who have not always had the same resources or opportunities, in life, and in education. To create and maintain a high profile of Pupil Premium students amongst staff as a key accountability group, robust staff training is a key driver.
- We do not equate deprivation and challenge with low ability.
- All teaching and learning strategies are designed to meet the needs of individual PP students, enhanced through the profiling of all PP students and teacher pledges.
- Research, trialling, and self-evaluation are used to allocate the funding to activities that are most likely to have an impact on achievement for PP students.
- Sharing of good practice- through intervention strategies and top 12 teaching strategies reviewed annually by staff, leaders and within teams ensure that all PP students receive the right diet in their everyday schooling.
- SMART target setting and targeted interventions will enable both staff and students to engage in raising the PP agenda and ensuring that teaching and learning is more personalized and engaging.
- PP student attainment and progress will be both sustained and accelerated through regular feedback sessions with staff and students, in line with whole school imperatives for raising achievement.