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At Debden Park High School we have taken into consideration all aspects of equality and diversity in our Equality policy, which includes specific objectives in relation to access, gender, race, religion or belief and other protected characteristics. In the planning and development stage of policy making, we ensure that we have consulted and taken into account the views of stakeholders.
All development plans are designed with an element of impact assessment built in to monitor the success of each activity against our equality objectives and our statutory duties, as set out in the Equality Act (2010), our Public Sector Equality Duty, our Prevent Duty and the Race Relations Act.
Through the whole school processes of systematic review, equality will be monitored and any identified areas of inequality will be redressed.
Debden Park High School values the personal qualities of all individuals and seeks actively to enhance them. It seeks to provide an environment free from prejudice and strives to enable every student to reach their maximum potential. To this end Debden Park High School has a clear policy on Equality and Diversity which covers all aspects of a student’s experience at the school.
The school involves interested parties at all stages of development and review of the various components of the Equality Policy. Information is collected on race, disability and gender relating to staff, children and other interested parties and is used to inform policies, strategic planning and activities.
The school participates in a variety of events that promote understanding and appreciation of equality and diversity issues and promote inclusivity.
- The curriculum includes opportunities for students to understand issues relating to equality and diversity.
- We have a programme of study on equality and diversity delivered to all students
- We have appointed one member of staff who has responsibility for implementing, driving and monitoring our equality and diversity provision across school, whilst ensuring all staff are aware of their responsibilities.
- Equality and Diversity CPD is also delivered on a termly basis.
- Our BE characteristics drive the ethos of our school and equality and diversity are an integral part in promoting our characteristics.
- Visual displays within the school reflect equality and diversity appropriately.
- All students are encouraged to participate fully in school life and every effort is made to ensure positive contribution from them.
- In particular, student achievement is analysed by race, disability and gender as well as specific groups which inform social inclusion and where necessary informs action planning.
- General conduct is monitored by race, disability, gender and religion or belief with particular attention being given to prejudice based bullying and harassment issues, with any associated incidents being recorded and reported to the appropriate people.
- We also implement personalised educational packages.